Selected Class Details

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Arena Andrews Bowen International Arena
Event Type Showing
Day Wednesday 6th October
Time 11:50
Class SEIB Racehorse to Riding Horse of the Year Championship (12)
Section/# 22
Championship (£15 extra)
Supreme (£15 extra)
Rider & Horse/Pony details
Riders Name (*)
Owners Name (*)
Horse/Pony Name (*)
Back Number (*)
Order Details

This is where we will send the Order once complete

First Name (*)
Last Name (*)
Address 1 (*)
Address 2
City (*)
County (*)
PostCode (*)
Mobile Number (*)
Email (*)
£ 120.00 USB High Definition.
£ 140.00 DVD Standard Definition
£ 150.00 BLU-RAY High Definition

Additional Copies £ 55 per additional copy
Order Total
£ 120.00
Payment Method
CARD/Mobile Apple Pay & Google Pay available depending on device.

We aim to process, edit and deliver your order as fast as we can, but may take upto 6 week.
Please note, sending payment links is a manual process and may take a day or two to be issued.


Please double check all details are correct before submitting the order.
Thank You.

Order Enquiries
Email [email protected]
Phone 07498 338 809

Please quote your Order Number if available so that we can locate your order easily